As is said routinely, the purpose of this column is to stimulate thought and discussion. So in that pursuit I am passing along to you, with permission, a list of issues that one of our 2 Paragraphs Family members shared with me. Good stimulating questions, don’t you think? And please think about and pass along your answers to your circle of friends (including me). So here they are:
Is this the first conservative Supreme Court since 1937?
Who is and has voted more lock-step on SC0TUS – Dems or Reps?
Biden is again proposing SCOTUS changes. Were these ideas presented to the Commission he formed? If not, why not? If so, what did the Commission say?’
Who is running the country right now?
If Kamala was elected and North Korea exploded a nuclear weapon over an American carrier, what is the exact procedure required in presenting “the button” to Kamala to retaliate?
If Bush won Bush v. Gore because it was too late to do otherwise, how could Trump be arguing in January 2021?
France is 80% nuclear power. Why are we closing San Onofre?
What is Populism?
How did it basically go unnoticed that Trump and Vance both were anti-market in their convention speeches? What has happened to the GOP?!
What is going on with the Libertarian Party right now.?
Has any country ever been cemented into a two party system for as long as we have, and have our two parties stagnated?
Why was the Chevron decision necessary?
Why should we keep the Electoral College?
Is it right to pay college athletes?
If a bisexual asked his psychologist to help him favor his straight side, would that be illegal conversion therapy?
What are the many reasons Israel claims its territory?
Are Israeli settlements legal as all countries winning defensive wars get to keep the territory won?
So there they are. Your answers and thoughts?
Quote for the week, found on the internet: “The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to determine whether or not they are genuine.” Signed Abraham Lincoln
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.) Superior Court of Orange County, California 2012 Libertarian Candidate for Vice President