A story we simply do not hear enough about concerns our military compound at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where about 780 foreign detainees have been confined based upon 9-11-2001. Why do we care? Because this facility and what has been and is going on there is a blight upon who we are as a country! Guantanamo Bay was chosen by our government leaders precisely because it is not under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the United States of America. This means that the detainees have had no right to be informed of the charges against them, to a speedy trial, or to confront the witnesses against them. And that is not even beginning to discuss the fact that we literally have been torturing many of those detainees in our custody – for years! From my standpoint, and I hope from yours, this simply is not who we are.

Not only that, but are you aware that we have typically employed 41 guards and civilians for each detainee? And now it’s worse, because last year at this time the number of detainees was reduced to about 36, which penciled out to an annual cost of $13 million taxpayer money for each detainee! Yes, there were and maybe still are some truly bad actors at Guantanamo, but so are there in the prisons within our borders. But before they were incarcerated, those prisoners were afforded a trial or other protections to prove their guilt. (It has been established that one of the detainees in Guantanamo had simply been a driver for one of the bad guys. Why was this not discovered right away and the driver released? Because no charges were pressed or trial held. Shame on us!) We cannot change what has happened in the past, but all of us should be aware of it, and should contact our federal representatives and demand that this situation be abolished! Imagine being in custody for more than 20 years without being tried for any offense!

Holiday question for the week: Why has Santa Claus not been charged for the parking of his sleigh? Answer: Because it was on the house . . .

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.) Superior Court of Orange County, California 2012 Libertarian Candidate for Vice President

Please listen to our radio show entitled All Rise! The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray as we discuss timely ssues and show how they will be addressed more beneficially by employing Libertarian values and approaches. The series has concluded, but you can still hear any edition On Demand at https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/3883. And, by the way, these 2 Paragraphs columns are now on my website at www.JudgeJImGray.com, Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at judgejamesgray, and wordpress at judgejimgray.wordpress.com. Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty. In addition, my new book with the same title as my radio show is now available at Amazon.com., as is my wife Grace’s and my new novel centered about School Choice entitled 2030 KIDS: We are the Rising Heroes of the Planet. Please read and discuss them with your friends, and send in a review.