The Liberty to Appreciate
Recently my good and thoughtful friend Judge Frank Firmat (Ret.) and I were talking about how blessed we are. And all the more so because we appreciate our blessings. For example, only one in 20 people in the world live in America, and often, as in my case, by a sheer “luck of the draw.” Millions of people all around the world would give virtually anything to live where we live. Furthermore, we are healthy, blessed with a moderate amount of intelligence, have good friends and family, have many interesting experiences and can be well paid for our time.
But Frank’s approach takes us beyond even this appreciation. We should literally “taste and relish” how good and special life is. So, as he recommends it, we should take special care to “put a speed-bump” in our day – and affirmatively notice our blessings. “Treat extraordinary moments extraordinarily!” Hugs from family and friends, the companionship of animals, a hot dog at the ball game, the glory of a full moon, a moving painting or a sinful desert. The list can go on and on, but Liberty puts us in charge of our lives, emotions and attitudes. Don’t forget to notice what we have, because Life is Good! And all the more so if you give yourself the Liberty to appreciate it!
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President