Liberty and the Presidential Debates


The Presidential Debates are rigged so that only the candidates from the Republican and Democratic Parties can participate.  Previously when the debates were run by the League of Women Voters, candidates from any political parties that were on the ballots in enough states technically to win the presidency would be invited to participate in the presidential debates.  But the League was frozen out of the process by the high-ranking Republicans and Democrats on the Commission.  So now those two parties completely control the Commission, and have changed the criterion to invite only the candidates who show fifteen percent ratings in five national polls.  (And they don’t even name the polls until after the invitations are issued.)  Of course, this is intentionally unreachable, because most polls don’t even carry candidates beyond Democrats and Republicans.  The two parties also exclusively control other important things like who the moderator will be, the issues that will be discussed, how long the candidates will have to answer the questions and whether follow-up questions will be allowed.

The League withdrew its participation when these changes were implemented.  But itdidn’t go out quietly, because the League issued a public statement that it would not be involved in the “hoodwinking of America.”  And America has been hoodwinked ever since.  Liberty demands that this fraud on the voters be reversed!  The most important event in a presidential election is the debates.  Not only do the debates give a legitimacy and viability to all candidates who participate, it also largely controls the issues that will be presented to the public.  Of course, if the debate criteria are changed, the two main parties will lose their monopoly power – but the voters will win.  What do you think is more important?  That is why is sponsoring a lawsuit against the Commission and the two main parties to reverse these criteria and make more information available to the American voters.  If you wish to help to strike a blow for Liberty, please support this lawsuit.  It is probably the most important investment anyone could make in the future of our great country!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)