During many of the 17 shows I ask our guests if they agree with me that we were a better country ten years ago than we were 40 years ago, and that we are a better country today than we were ten years ago. Only once did one of our guests, Dr. William B. Allen, who is a political science professor at Michigan State University, a constitutionalist and also happens to be African-American, respond that he was deeply sorry that I had asked him the question. Why? Because, with our increasing national climate of entitlements and victimization, he is now not so sure – and that the ultimate outcome will be up to our present younger generation. I regret to say that Dr. Allen might be right. Yes, truly our country has done some wrong things, such as slavery and then segregation, oppression of our Native Americans, reduced rights for women, the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and more. But so have other countries done many wrong things, and at least we acknowledge ours and try to correct our wrongdoings. And, by the way, we also have selflessly done many deeply beneficial things for people in our country and all around the world. So we should also take that reality into account. Thus I openly celebrate the United States of America – every day. But particularly on July 4. So, once again, I wish you a Happy Independence Day!
Thought for the day: “Recently I have been telling people about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It’s called a program of raisin awareness.”
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.) Superior Court of Orange County, California 2012 Libertarian Candidate for Vice President