Our society is now more polarized than at any time of my life. Why has that happened? Two reasons come to mind. Originally, when cable television news stations began to multiply I thought that it would be great because, with so many choices, all of us would be exposed to many more viewpoints – which would be healthy. And boy was I wrong! Instead, each station deciphered what the political leanings were of its target audience, and then expressly catered to what that audience wanted to hear. So we are the good guys, and people who do not have our beliefs are scoundrels or worse. A second reason is the gerrymandering of the congressional voting districts. “I don’t care if you of the opposite party get a politically safe seat as long as I can get one too” has become the position of those drawing up voting districts. And this has allowed many members of Congress to take some radical positions without being held accountable to the views of more moderate voters. Both of these situations have allowed polarization to flourish.*
And there is also a third reason as well. Thomas Jefferson famously said that our country should have a bloody revolution each generation in an attempt to keep the vested interests at bay. Fortunately our Constitution keeps the revolution from having to be bloody, but how long has it been? Probably since the 1860s when the Republicans took over from the Whigs. And how strong have the vested interests become in that time? Strong enough for many people to believe that our institutions are no longer working. “The Presidency doesn’t even try to represent all of the people,” “Congress is working against us,” and even “The Courts are only providing ‘justice’ to the wealthy” are conclusions that many people have reached. And this situation has resulted in us being so polarized. So what is the antidote? Voting Libertarian! It is not an exaggeration to say that Libertarians are the only mainstream political party in our country today. We believe in financial and other responsibility at all levels of society, including personal, group, corporate and governmental. And we are socially accepting with a “Live and Let Live” philosophy. In addition, Libertarians are the only political party that does not seek to gain by being involved in government. Thus we would strongly reduce the crony capitalism or corporate welfare that is rampant in our governments today. So do you want an antidote for polarization, and to be proud of your votes at the same time? Consider voting Libertarian.

*As an anecdote, in my research in composing a musical about our nation’s 1787 Constitutional Convention entitled “Convention: the Birth of America,” I learned that one of the delegates was named Elbridge Gerry, who later became the Governor of Massachusetts and was also the Vice President under James Madison. But he also was so well known for his politics in drawing the boundaries of voting districts for political purposes that the practice soon took up his name, and it still does to this day.

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Quote for the week: “We should judge our programs by their results, not their good intentions.”

Please listen to our weekly radio show entitled “All Rise! The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray” as we discuss timely issues, and show how they will be addressed more beneficially by employing Libertarian values and approaches. You can hear it every Friday morning at 7 Pacific/10 Eastern by going to, clicking on the Variety Channel and then upon the word “live.” You can also hear past shows on demand as well. And, by the way, these 2 Paragraph columns are now on my website at, Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at judgejamesgray. Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty. In addition, my new book entitled “2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: Solutions that are Practical, Effective, Responsible, Libertarian, is now available at Please read and discuss it with friends, and send in a review.