Obviously the subject of healthcare for all is actively being discussed in today’s world. I agree this result is desirable, not because anyone is entitled to it but, because we are a compassionate society, we would do it voluntarily. But what form should it take? Bringing a single-payer system, or so-called Medicare for all, would be fine, as long as people don’t mind having their healthcare run by the equivalent of the Department of Motor Vehicles. But we truly can do better. As an illustration, we have some great friends visiting us now from Canada, and they volunteered that Canada’s socialistic system simply does not seek out innovation. Why? Because it is a bureaucracy, and bureaucracies have a strong tendency to resist change. So for creative care, they must come to the US.
So what should we do? The answer is that we should install a system of Medical Savings Accounts. That means that for those people who can afford to address their own healthcare needs, we should simply require them to put $5,000 into the equivalent of an ATM account at the beginning of each year, and then get the government out of the way. Then they would purchase the catastrophic health insurance of their choice, probably costing them something like $1,000 per year. Then all of their healthcare expenses would be paid directly out of the $4,000 that remained in the account. Studies show that most adults pay far less than $4,000 per year on their healthcare needs until they approach the end of their lives. So if they spent less than that, the remainder would simply roll over into their account for the next year and, eventually, it could be used for their retirement. However, if they needed to spend more, their insurance would kick in, such that they would only be required to pay their $4,000 “deductible” and then their co-pays. That would result in everyone spending their money wisely – because it was their money! And that would also bring competition back to the healthcare field which would, in turn, bring prices back down. For those people that needed some financial assistance for their healthcare needs, as long as they were legal residents, a voucher system could be used on a sliding scale depending upon their financial abilities. Then those vouchers could be spent on the private market for payments and co-pays. So this program would combine the best results that competition brings to the marketplace, which are competition, responsibility for one’s own healthcare needs, and medical coverage for all.
Quote for the week, with one elderly businessman talking to another: “It was slanderous, it was insulting and it was an outrage; but I see their point.”
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President
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