Campaign Issues for Senate 2004
Budget and Economy
Much of what the Federal government does exceeds the limited powers granted to it under the U.S. Constitution. The result has been the huge growth of government, ever-increasing budgets, higher taxes, and burdens on the economy that reduce employment opportunities.
Millions of Americans who are willing and able to work are unemployed. Republicans and Democrats argue over band-aids like extending unemployment benefits and creating make-work government officials inflate the supply of money, when they give special privileges to banks and large corporations, and when they try to plan the economy, they cause cycles of boom and bust – cycles that misdirect investors, destroy healthy companies, and put people out of work.
The only cure for unemployment is a real job, and the free market economy is the most effective job creator on earth. Remember, governments do not create wealth- only private businesses do that.
Schools under the control of Federal Government have failed our children. For decades, costs have gone up while performance has declined. Government schools are hotbeds of violence and drug dealing; problems virtually non-existent in private education, which has local control. And the issue is not about money. Private schools perform better at about half the cost per student.
Freedom in the area of intellectual development and personal philosophy is fully as important as freedom of religion, and for the same reasons. Government control of what your children think or are taught is just plain wrong.
Under the U.S. Constitution, the Federal government has no legitimate power to legislate regarding education. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.” As such, there is no proper role for the federal government in education. It should withdraw completely and leave control to the parents and the local school districts.
Foreign Policy
It’s very simple: Neutrality, free trade and strong, responsible defense. Or, as Jefferson said: “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” Unfortunately, both Democrat and Republican politicians have followed a policy of going anywhere and doing anything, and these policies have been a security disaster.
When Americans and American goods are allowed into other countries, the people want more of what America has: individual liberty, a free market economy and political freedom with open democratic elections. It’s amazing what messages blue jeans, rock and roll and Big Macs carry. When allowed to see such products and to interact with the people who produce them, the oppressed subjects of totalitarian regimes quickly see that their lives will improve with the introduction of free markets and liberty.
Gay & Lesbian Rights
These are not federal issues. They must be left to the states! Gay and Lesbian rights for adults are issues of liberty! Marriage licenses were wrongly originated to “control” interracial relationships, and are now wrongly being used to control gay and lesbian relationships.
On four occasions over the years was presented with petitions by natural mothers for their lesbian partner to adopt their child. Employing the “best interest of the child” standard, I reviewed the petitions carefully, and in each occasion approved the petition and presided over the adoption.
I believe that binding commitments to a child and to an adult partner are good things! Society should support them! I agree with Governor Schwarzenegger. “If gay and lesbian marriages are all right with the people of California, they are all right with me.”
Gun Prohibition
Gun Prohibition doesn’t work and actually compounds problems. What works is liberty, education and personal responsibility in gun ownership.
I believe that labels don’t work. First of all, abortion is not and should not be a federal issue. It should be left for the states.
However, if I were running for a state office, I would say that a woman should have domain over her own body, until the fetus is viable outside the womb. However, once that point is reached aborting the fetus would be tantamount to murder.
In addition, prohibitions don’t work. In my view people who view this differently are going to have to decide whether or not they want to be philosophically pure, or if they want to actually reduce the number of abortions. If abortions were legal, I would recommend it only after the woman was required to get some counseling by a professional of her choice. I am convinced that once she focused upon viable options and realized she was not alone and she could potentially be at risk to severe psychological pangs in the years to come, there would be fewer abortions than there are now.
Israel & Palestine
- The fifty-year-old Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is the core cause of Middle Eastern violence. It is wreaking tragedy on the region and creating increasingly dangerous destabilization for the entire globe.
- American taxpayers, without being consulted, are giving Israel over $10 million dollars per day of their tax money – far more than to any other nation on earth. This enormous disbursement abroad of American money is rolled over year after year, and is often increased – without any debate whatsoever by our governmental representatives.
- With this money the Israeli government is maintaining an occupation that has been decreed illegal according to the United States government and international law. This occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights is engendering escalating violence, which is costing the lives of numerous innocent civilians, both Israeli and Palestinian.
- A multitude of international observers and organizations – from the International Red Cross to UNICEF to Israeli nongovernmental organizations – have reported systemic and continuing violations by Israel of the Geneva Conventions. These violations create desperate reprisals by Palestinian resistance organizations, causing a tragic and growing cycle of violence that inflames the entire region.
- In 1967 Israeli forces attacked an American naval ship, the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and injuring 172. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer called this attack “an act of war against the United States of America.” For over 30 years the surviving crewmembers of the USS Liberty have long called for a thorough, honest, and open Congressional investigation of the attack that killed their crewmates and maimed many of them. To date, Congress has failed to give these American servicemen the respect of its attention.
- In 2004 an Israeli military bulldozer crushed to death 23-year-old American Rachel Corrie, who was sitting on the ground in front of a Palestinian family home in an attempt to prevent it from being bulldozed. Rachel’s parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, are asking that the United States investigate their daughter’s death by America’s close ally.
It is time for the United States to work toward peace between Israelis and Palestinians through the implementation of policies of rationality, morality, and practicality. It is time that American funding be contingent on adherence to international law and American principles. Only through justice and firm resolve will peace be achieved. It is unacceptable for Israel to take American money while disdaining American needs.
- The United States must end all aid to Israel until it obeys international law. By doing this, Israel will finally take the road to peace that many of its citizens have long called for. In addition, the United States will demonstrate the principles of fairness and democracy that will begin to earn back the respect that our nation traditionally enjoyed in the region.
- The United States Congress must immediately undertake a fair and thorough investigation of the USS Liberty. This will bring the justice these Americans deserve, and demonstrate to future American servicemen that they will not be abandoned.
- The United States Congress must call for an immediate and open investigation of Rachel Corrie’s death. The Corries, and all Americans, have the right to learn the truth. When Daniel Pearl was killed in Pakistan, American investigators were there within days. Rachel Corrie deserves the same.
For many years, Israeli and Palestinian civilians have been living in tragic fear and violence. As the United States Congress sends more and more aid to Israel, Americans are becoming increasingly embroiled in this conflict and imperiled by its violence. Peace can only come through justice. It is time that America stand up for our principles of equality, inclusion, and fairness. It is time that American policies ensure the right of Israelis and Palestinians to exist in peace. By doing so, we will not only bring peace to this sacred land, we will bring it to our own as well.
Note from the author: This is an old article. Since visiting Israel and the region and having received new information, I have reconsidered some details and particular courses of action named in the article. However, I have four unshakeable beliefs:
We stand united for a peaceful, vibrant, safe, strong and democratic state of Israel, our strategic ally in the region,
As soon as feasible, we build the same for Palestinians on land that Israel and Palestinians agree to through negotiation,
Palestinians are suffering and need help,
The Palestinian people need competent representation so that they and Israelis can sit down without international interference to offer a just, equitable and reasonable solution for so that Israelis and Palestinians can enjoy security, autonomy, prosperity and peace.
After peace is signed, Israel won’t be the last to accept a Palestinian state, it will be the first.
Benjamin Netanyahu
There will be cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian states.
Mustafa Barghouti
Troops and Veterans
The Federal Government is not equipping all of our military troops adequately.
The Federal Government is not living up to its contractual obligations to our Veterans.
The so-called Feres Doctrine provides no remedy for military troops and veterans for harm they sustained, even when the federal government’s actions were criminally negligent.
As Senator I will…
- Fight to equip, protect and train all of our military troops equally and fully.
- Ensure the federal government lives up to its contractual obligations to our Veterans
- Repeal the provisions of the so-called Feres Doctrine, so that our military troops and Veterans have a legal remedy for government’s actions that are criminally negligent.
War and Peace
American Prestige is on the line. The United States military performed brilliantly in 2003 during the combat operations in Iraq, and demonstrated that our All Volunteer Force is the finest military the world has ever seen. But we are losing the real battle, which is for the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people and world opinion. The prolonged presence of 135,000 American troops (until the end of 2005, says Mr. Rumsfeld) and allegations of torture only deepen the hatred which feeds terrorism in the first place.
We must internationalize the rebuilding of Iraq so we may speed the day when US forces are replaced by troops from other nations. The current Administration policy is destined to fail, and at the terrible cost of American lives and prestige.
My four-point suggestion
- Complete the handover of sovereignty. America gave its word to hand over the keys on June 30th. We must live up to that pledge.
- Internationalize the mission. In the lead up to the handover, work with the UN and national leaders to secure a timetable for foreign peacekeeping troops to deploy in Iraq in place of the 135,000 American troops.
- Bring our forces home by Christmas 2004. Our troops performed brilliantly, but the hatred against us grows with each day. It’s time for other nations to step to the plate and join the mission in our place.
- Then pursue the genuine War on Terrorism. Terrorism is any violent act by a government or group meant to kill or harm innocent civilians. Put against that measure, we must sweep in front of our own doorstep, but sticking to this principle will reduce the hatred against us and make the world more secure for Americans.
And in other points…
- END THE WAR ON MARIJUANA. We should begin by allowing each state to treat marijuana like alcohol. If that were to occur, California’s taxpayers would save about $1 billion per year in costs spent in its futile attempt to eradicate marijuana (It presently is the largest cash crop in California- number two is grapes) and prosecute and incarcerate non-violent marijuana offenders. In addition, we could generate about $1.5 billion in revenues by strictly regulating and controlling it. And third, marijuana would be less available for children than it is today. Why, because under today’s failed policy, marijuana dealers do not ask for I.D.
- ROLL BACK THE USA PATRIOT ACT. The Act was wrong when the Administration sent it to Congress. The Congress was wrong to pass it largely unread. The Administration is wrong in implementing the Act in a discriminatory and arrogant fashion. And the Democrats are both wrong and cowardly to “go silent” on the issue. We won the Cold War without surrendering our rights and liberties. We shouldn’t hand over our way of life today.
- REDUCE THE SCALE OF GOVERNMENT. Both the ruling party and the main opposition party are very good at spending money we don’t have. To balance the budget and reduce the size of government, all legislation should have a mandatory sunset provision so that every federal agency is required to justify its own existence every five years.
- STOP THE INVASION OF PRIVACY. Federal police can enter your home, search your private effects, papers and computer information, and then leave without even telling you they have been there. They can also get information about you from libraries, banks, travel agencies, car dealers, casinos, hotels, real estate and insurance agencies, lawyers, pawn brokers and even the post office — and those agencies are required by law to cooperate, and not to inform you of these actions. Since 2002, requests by the Justice Department for these “FISA” court orders have quadrupled. It’s wrong.
- LET LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DO THEIR JOB. State and local officials are much closer to the ground on virtually every issue. Washington needs to stop sticking its nose into education, healthcare, drug and other policies that are better handled at the local level.
- IMMIGRATION REFORM. The federal government should reimburse the states for all costs related to the health, education, welfare and incarceration of illegal immigrants. Only when it is required to pay for the costs of failure will the federal government implement a workable and fair immigration system.