Some of you may remember back in 2004 when I took a year-long unpaid leave of absence from the court and ran in California as a Libertarian for US Senate against incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer and Republican Bill Jones. I knew that I would not win, but I wanted to be a part of the conversation on the important issues that then were pressing us. Unfortunately, since George W Bush functionally abandoned California to the Democrats in the presidential election, Bill Jones’ campaign never really got started. As a result, there really were as no discussions. So to pursue the same effort after the election, I started writing a weekly Sunday column about various issues in the Daily Pilot, which was a local newspaper that was distributed by the Los Angeles Times in three cities in Orange County. Thereafter, I took what I thought were the most timely of the columns and re-published them in a book entitled A Voter’s Handbook: Effective Solutions to America’s Problems (The Forum Press, 2010). Then, after giving my readers a rest for a few years, I began distributing this 2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty about four years ago, which leads me to today’s breaking news: As of Friday morning at 7:00 Pacific and 10:00 Eastern, I am launching a weekly one-hour radio show entitled All Rise: The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray” The purpose is the same: to encourage thought and discussion on the issues that are important to us, our children and our great country.
So please join me by listening to our program, and encouraging your social media and other friends to do the same. Yes, some of these issues are difficult, complex and even controversial, and I do not pretend to have all of the answers. But I strongly believe that if difficult issues go unaddressed by responsible leaders, they will surely be exploited by irresponsible ones. But if we all pitch in together and encourage discussion and debate and the grappling of these issues, the odds are substantial that our so-called leaders will get the courage to do the same. And that will increase the chances that we can All Rise together! You can hear the show either at it scheduled time of 7:00 a.m. Pacific/10:00 a.m. Eastern, or on demand as described below. Thank you, and Onward!
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President