Thank You For Your Service
One of the most flaming breaches of contract I know about is still being perpetrated by our own federal government (namely, by us all) upon some of our military Veterans. For example, it is estimated that about 30 percent the homeless population both in Los Angeles and Orange Counties are Vets. And the statistics for Veterans committing suicide are similarly disturbing. There must be a connection! But the problem is that today that, although Veterans are formally entitled to receive healthcare services, a myriad of obstacles are put in their way before that is realized. That simply must be changed! Being in war creates many scars, many not visible, and those conditions can result in almost permanent disabilities.
But realistically nothing really will change until each of us shows that we care. This means we must all become more informed, and then we must act. One way to begin this process would be to see “Thank You for Your Service.” This is a fictional film based upon the non-fiction book of the same name by Washington Post reporter David Finkel. The film follows various Vets of the Iraq war as they re-enter society and struggle against other unseen enemies, such as the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and post-traumatic stress disorder. Another more direct way would be to support a 501(c)(3) organization called Veterans Legal Institute, which is involved in two worthwhile efforts. The first is to provide free legal assistance to homeless and low-income Vets in an effort to eradicate the barriers they face regarding housing, education, employment and healthcare. The second is to identify structural problems that interfere with our veterans’ transition to civilian life, and then advocating for reforms and changes to public policy. For further information about VLI, please visit
I often fly a banner in the front yard of my house which says “Land of the Free Because of the Brave.” We Americans today have our Liberty in large part because of our Veterans, and many were permanently wounded for that cause. Let’s thank them by helping them overcome the maladies that many still bear as a result of that service. This breach of contract must come to an end!
** Quote of the week:
“Repetition does not transform a lie into the truth.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President