Liberty Requires Foreseeability


As has been said several times in this series, Liberty does not at all mean that “anything goes.”  Instead, Liberty implies responsibility which, in turn, means that we must have laws which are enforceable and enforced. So what is the purpose of the law?  Of course there are many, but one of the main purposes can be answered with one word: foreseeability.  Obviously every action cannot be litigated, but with foreseeability, we all will generally know that if we act, or don’t act, in a particular fashion what the likely legal result will be.

So that is where attorneys come in.  Attorneys study the laws and the past recorded cases that have been adjudicated in the courts which can be used for our guidance.  Then attorneys both give advice about possible future actions, as well as opinions and strategy about how they believe present disputes about past actions would be resolved if they were to be litigated.  So by and large, our Justice System is working.  Yes, it could always be better, faster and less expensive, but in most instances it is providing the necessary foreseeability for us and our system to thrive.   And this, in turn, promotes a society in which Liberty can also thrive and people can prosper.

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

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Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President