Liberty and Other People’s Money
When I was attending USC Law School I happened to be elected to the student council as a graduate representative. In one of our meetings, a representative of the Black Panthers appeared and requested that some student activity funds be donated to their group for their program to provide breakfasts for hungry children. Although I certainly am in favor of feeding hungry children, I objected that this was an improper use of student activity funds. These funds were (involuntarily) taken from all students ostensibly to be used for their benefit, and the monies should be restricted expressly for that purpose. Nevertheless, the request was granted.
That experience has stayed with me, and I remain proud of my objection. Anyone in charge of any monies which belong to or were taken from other people, must keep in mind the reason that money has been entrusted to them. As an example, in the case of Citizens United the U.S. Supreme Court got it wrong. No corporate or labor union money should be used for any political purpose at all, because the money belongs to the shareholders or the union members. The corporations and labor unions are welcome to make recommendations, but the actual donations should be the sole choice of the individuals themselves. It is a matter of Liberty.
Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, along with
Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President