Shingles: the avoidable disease – by Judge Jim Gray

Shingles: the avoidable disease Recently I went up to San Luis Obispo to visit my aunt. One basic rule in life is that family is first, and I try to gauge my actions accordingly. My aunt is experiencing some medical problems, including Parkinson’s disease and the...

Governing human conduct – By Judge Jim Gray

Governing human conduct On my second day of retirement, I went to my son’s high school to speak to his government class about laws and our judicial system in general. And I wanted to share some of those thoughts with you. If you think about it, there are many ways to...

The Libertarian philosophy – by Judge Jim Gray

The Libertarian philosophy I was a lifelong Republican until I realized my party couldn’t be counted on. Not to protect my freedom or my liberty, and not to be “fiscally conservative.” So I realized I could not be a part of an organization that did not reflect my...